If you’re not into the idea of being handed a list of foods you can eat and then having to figure it all out on your own, then you’re in the right place.

We’re going to propose a challenge to you!

In our Herbalife team, we’re not into restrictive diets, nor counting calories or weighing foods.

Here, we learn to eat, to know ourselves, and most importantly, we have fun. Because losing weight doesn’t have to be a struggle.

Herbalife Challenge

Hurry up! Our next challenge starts soon. Will you join us?



Motivation is one of the most important factors in a weight loss plan. If you get tired, lack enthusiasm, or see that you’re not achieving results, it’s highly likely that you’ll end up eating poorly. And it’s not about dieting, it’s about changing your mindset.

🏆 Herbalife 3 days challenge

It’s perfect for those who are starting with Herbalife products for the first time. I usually recommend it to people who have doubts or haven’t heard much about the brand. It’s a short duration, but enough to try the product and understand how we work. You’ll surely get curious and want to continue trying. Before you know it, you’ll have reached your goal.
➡️ Learn more about the Herbalife 3-Day Challenge here. ⬅️

🏆🏆14 días Herbalife Challenge

We went up one more step. If I have to choose one it would definitely be this one. The three days can be too short to know if it really works to lose weight and change your habits and the 21 days can be a high cost if you are still trying it out. In 10 days you not only get to know if you want to continue losing weight with Herbalife, but you also notice changes in your body (2-5 kilos) and in your mind.
➡️ Learn more about the Herbalife 14-Day Challenge here. ⬅️

🏆🏆🏆 21 days Herbalife Challenge

This challenge is for the bravest individuals. Three weeks of maximum learning, gradual weight loss (5-8 kilos), and an opportunity to understand how we work. For some people, it’s enough to shed those few extra kilos they need for a wedding, while for others, it’s a way to kickstart their transformation journey with more motivation and strength. In any case, 21 days is the time required to incorporate a habit into your life.
➡️ Learn more about the Herbalife 21-Day Challenge here. ⬅️

What are the challenges?

Whichever challenge you choose, they all work the same way. First, you have a Herbalife product pack that forms the foundation of the process (the quantity depends on the number of days you have chosen), mainly consisting of shakes, tea, and aloe. This is what most distributors can offer you, but we don’t stop at just the product pack.

Herbalife India challenge 5

But…why do the challenges with us?

In addition to the above, we offer you a bunch of free additional tools if you purchase the products with us.

  • Weekly menus created by nutritionists with videos, step-by-step recipes, and shopping list.
  • Food psychology very useful for anxiety and our emotional relationship with food.
  • Nutrition school to learn how to eat well and maintain the lost weight over time.
  • Online sports activities (GAP, pilates, active dancing, boxing, etc.).
  • As well as personalized monitoring and nutritional advice.

That’s what you call a comprehensive service. Plus, there’s no additional cost. You just need to purchase the Herbalife product pack. What more could you ask for?

Goals you can achieve with the Herbalife challenge

I understand that weight concerns you, but you shouldn’t only focus on that. There are many other things you can benefit from by taking one of these challenges:

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  • Gain the motivation you need
  • Change eating habits
  • Start activating your body
  • Connect with people with the same goal
  • Learn about nutrition and emotional relationship with food
  • Get firsthand experience with Herbalife products
  • Understand your body’s needs

Forget everything you know and give it a try. If you don’t like it, what do you have to lose?