Vritilife – Immune Health

Oferta válida desde el 01/01/2024 hasta el 31/12/2024.


The brain is one of the most important organs in our body. We all agree that it needs to be taken care of properly. That’s why Herbalife has developed Brain Health, a supplement that harnesses the power of Ayurvedic traditional medicine to enhance your brain health.

Are you ready to restore balance and vitality to your entire being? Look no further than Herbalife’s Immune Health, a remarkable supplement that taps into the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine. It’s time to strengthen your body’s natural defense system and embrace a holistic approach to wellness.

What sets Immune Health apart is its unique blend of pure extracts from Kalmegh and Tulasi, two powerful herbs known for their immune-enhancing properties. These carefully selected ingredients work synergistically to fortify your body’s immune response, empowering you to face viruses and bacteria with confidence, without relying on chemical interventions.

What is Inmune Health?

Vritilife Immune is a dietary supplement based on pure extracts of Kalmegh and Tulasi that helps reinforce your body’s natural immunity. It comes in pill form, and you only need to take a couple of them per day.

Highly recommended, especially during the winter months when defenses are lower.

What is it used for?

Its name gives us a great clue; its main objective is to improve your defenses so that your body can naturally fight viruses and bacteria without the need for chemical medicine.

It controls cold symptoms, has anti-inflammatory properties, and the best part is that it improves the health of many organs in the body, including the liver and heart. Since it is a natural medicine, it is compatible with any medication, although it is always advisable to consult your doctor.

It also calms anxiety and relaxes the mind. So, it can be said to be a complete holistic solution.

vitrilife Herbalife
  •  Kalmegh Extract: Known for its antibacterial, antiviral, antipyretic properties, and immune-enhancing effects, among many other benefits.
  • Tulasi Extracts: Possess antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Kutaki: A natural plant that strengthens the immune system and provides protection to the liver, heart, and digestive system.