Cell Activator Herbalife

Oferta válida desde el 01/01/2024 hasta el 31/12/2024.


Are you consuming Herbalife’s F1? While it’s beneficial to take vitamins and nourish your body, it’s equally crucial to ensure they are absorbed correctly. Acknowledging this need, Herbalife has introduced a new formulation: Cell Activator.

Do you regularly use Herbalife’s F1? While fueling your body with vitamins and essential nutrients is great, it’s paramount to ensure these nutrients are properly absorbed. This is where Herbalife steps in with their innovative formulation: the Cell Activator. A product uniquely crafted to boost the absorption and effective use of nutrients, giving you the maximum benefit of your dietary habits.

What is Cell Activator?

Herbalife’s Cell Activator is a supplement composed of alpha-lipoic acid, designed to reactivate the antioxidant effect of cells and protect us from oxidative damage.

What is it used for?

This product supports the efficient functioning of the mitochondria, essential for the activity of cells throughout the body. The mitochondria are responsible for transforming what we eat into energy.

In addition, the Cell Activator includes aloe, which enhances nutrient absorption. It’s the perfect complement to Herbalife’s Formula 1, as the latter provides you with vitamins, while the Cell Activator aids in metabolizing them correctly. You just need to take it twice a day with your meals or along with your shakes.

Herbalife Cell Activator
  • Ácido Alfa Lipoico (150mg): regenera la actividad antioxidante de las células.
  • Concentrado Purificado de Sábila (52mg): contribuye a la absorción de nutrientes.
  • Hongo de Shiitake (15mg): antioxidante natural, antiviral y protector del corazón y los riñones.
  • Extracto de Cáscara de Granada (11mg): regula el nivel de azúcar en sangre y el colesterol.
  • Extracto de Raíz de Rhodiola (10mg): mejora en rendimiento físico y disminuye la ansiedad.
  • Extracto de Corteza de Pino (2mg): regenera la vitamina C del cuerpo y desinflama las venas.
  • Resveratrol (0,9mg): reduce la inflamación y la coagulación sanguínea.

Herbalife Cell Activator
Cell Activator Herbalife