Herbalife Shake Formula 1

Oferta válida desde el 01/01/2024 hasta el 31/12/2024.

How many times have you started a diet? Herbalife’s Formula 1 nutritional shakes help you lose weight easily. You open the container, mix it with water and voila: a complete meal with all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need. In 1 minute you have it ready to consume, with 11 different flavors to choose from, and you can take it cold or hot as you wish.

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What is Herbalife’s Formula 1 Shake?

It is a shake that replaces a complete meal. It integrates all the necessary nutrients so that you lack nothing, but with a caloric deficit that allows you to lose weight more easily. You have 11 different flavors to vary your menu without getting bored.

What is it used for?

The goal of this shake is to assist you in your weight loss process, making it easier. Each shake has between 170 and 220 calories, as well as the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or proteins to lead a healthy life.

You can take it whenever and wherever you want without needing to count calories or scrutinize the ingredients of each dish. A single shake allows you to meet your physical goals and stay healthy without adding supplements to your diet.

It also provides about 5g of fiber per serving to help improve your bowel movements and alleviate intestinal transit.


What benefits does it have?

Batidos Formula 1

Apart from helping you lose weight, its many other advantages should be highlighted:

  • It takes no time to prepare
  • It comes in many different flavors
  • They are very easy to digest
  • It includes vitamins, minerals, and amino acids
  • It has a good amount of fiber
  • High protein content (18g) and low in fats

In addition, most options are suitable for vegans.

Side effects

This weight loss method should not be used in children and it is better to consult with a specialist beforehand about using it during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

It is not recommended if you have a soy allergy, although the raspberry flavor does not have it, it may contain some traces. Nor if you have a very restricted intake of sugars or proteins.

How to prepare Herbalife F1?

It’s as easy as dissolving 2 tablespoons of Formula 1 powder in 250ml of water, milk, or vegetable drink. However, you should know that the choice of one or the other can modify the nutritional values of your shake.

If you have trouble dissolving the lumps, I recommend using a milk frother or a blender.

You can also add some spice toppings to give it a tastier touch, for example, cinnamon or nutmeg. Even make it a slush by blending it with some ice. Have fun and enjoy!

Formula 1 reviews

It is one of the brand’s most popular products, as many users find these shakes easy to prepare, they don’t leave many lumps, and they’re easier to digest than others. In addition, users love the variety of available flavors, especially the classics.

Some buyers appreciate that most of the available options are vegan. They also admit that it helps them lose weight very easily and they do not have to give up nutrients. However, they wish it were a little cheaper, or at least included the mixing cup and spoon.

From my personal experience, I value that Herbalife makes it so easy for me. You can lead a healthy life even if you don’t have time. The traditional flavors stand out for their pleasant texture and strong flavor, as not all substitute shakes achieve this. It is a good support to get back on the healthy lifestyle path.

The main composition of the Herbalife shake is based on isolated soy protein (34%), although it also includes:
  • Natural sugars (9g)
  • Fiber (5g), essentially from oats
  • Fats (6.6g)
  • 13 vitamins: vitamins A, B6, B12, D, E, K, C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid.
  • 10 minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and iodine.
  • Diuretics and purifiers: ginger root powder, parsley, papaya, dandelion...
In addition, it includes other components such as oils or flavorings.

F1 Chocolate Herbalife
Herbalife Shake Formula 1
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