Dinoshake Herbalife

Oferta válida desde el 01/01/2024 hasta el 31/12/2024.

Take care of the little ones in the house by giving them the best for their breakfast. With the Dinoshake chocolate shake, they will have everything they need to continue growing healthy and strong, and with a flavor that they love.

You can now replace sugary shakes that provide nothing, with a complete shake with 13 vitamins and 5 minerals.

What is Dinoshake?

It is a shake full of proteins (6g/serving) and vitamins that includes everything that children need nutritionally in a day. It has a chocolate flavor to make it easier for you to replace breakfast chocolate drinks.

What is it used for?

Dinoshake from Herbalife is designed so that children can nutritiously nourish themselves in a tasty and easy way. It’s ideal when we’re rushing to work and don’t have time to prepare a healthy breakfast for our children.

It’s also a good solution to support their development and strengthen defenses. We all want our children to grow up healthy, strong, and able to concentrate properly at school. These are 3 things that this supplement can enhance.


Dinoshake benefits


The main advantages of this product are:

  • Easy to digest
  • Rich chocolate flavor
  • Contains 13 vitamins and 5 minerals
  • Good source of calcium for bones
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Free of artificial colors and preservatives
  • Less sugar than other shakes

Side Effects

You should not exceed the recommended daily dose or give it to children under 3 years of age. And if you notice any negative effects when you start taking it, see a doctor.

If the child suffers from any illness or is already taking vitamin supplements, ask your doctor before giving it to them.

How to use Dinoshake?

It’s as easy as mixing 2 tablespoons of the product with a 240ml glass of milk or water. It can be consumed once a day, either for breakfast or snack.

Dinoshake Reviews

My son takes it and he really likes the taste. I notice that he is more active and concentrated. He has also had fewer colds in the winter.

I recommend mixing it with milk and not with water, because they tend to like the taste better. I also recommend giving it to them in the mornings, so that they have the nutritional intake throughout the day.