BETA HEART Herbalife

Oferta válida desde el 01/01/2024 hasta el 31/12/2024.


Beta Heart helps you keep your cholesterol in check, thanks to its high content in oat beta-glucan (3g/serving). It has been proven to reduce the risk of heart diseases. And it is a product that meets the criteria of the Spanish Heart Foundation.

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In addition to daily walking and maintaining a healthy diet, products like Beta Heart can significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. It is perfect for older people, as it contains no sugar!

What is Beta Heart?

Beta Heart from Herbalife is a powdered supplement rich in fiber and virtually calorie-free (25kcal/serving), designed mainly to reduce cholesterol. So it is a natural alternative ideal for taking in the morning with a glass of milk, as it has a pleasant vanilla flavor.

What is it used for?

Over 50% of Spaniards have high cholesterol, and many of them don’t even know it yet. Beta Heart is an easy-to-take product that regulates cholesterol, preventing medical problems in the future. As high cholesterol levels can lead to heart, kidney or liver diseases.

Remember that oat beta-glucan is a component that facilitates the absorption of cholesterol, reducing the amount that remains circulating in the bloodstream.

Cholesterol is a key substance for many cellular processes, but an excess can be harmful to health. With adequate intake and absorption, you can keep your body healthy!

Beta Heart

What are its benefits?

Beta Heart Herbalife

The main health benefits of this product are as follows:

    • Maintains cholesterol at normal levels
    • Reduces the risk of coronary diseases
    • Improves intestinal transit
    • It is satiating and can reduce appetite between meals

Additionally, it is suitable for vegans.


In case you have a pathology detected by your doctor, whether it is hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), thyroid, hypertension, heart disease or another that could affect your cholesterol levels in the blood, consult a professional beforehand.

How to take Beta Heart?

If you want to avoid unnecessary sugars or calories, dissolve 2 tablespoons (includes spoon) of Beta Heart (about 15g) in 250ml of water.

You can also choose to mix it with juice, milk, or vegetable drinks for a more pleasant taste. Or with your F1 shake for weight loss or control.

The most common is to take it once a day, but you can distribute it in two servings: 1 spoon for each one (7.6g).

Reviews of Herbalife’s Beta Heart

As with all food products, it is difficult to get a real idea of their effectiveness, as it depends a lot on the person, diet, etc. In this article you can see opinions and expand information about its benefits.

    Powdered oat bran (89%), contains fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and other vitamins. Of which:
    3g of beta-glucans per serving
    3g of protein per serving
    6g of fiber per serving
    50 kcal per serving
    The rest of the ingredients like sodium caseinate or maltodextrin help create a soluble powder, that can be properly preserved and tastes good.
    It has no added sugars or sweeteners! And it's vegan-friendly.
    **ALLERGENS: Contains lactose and gluten.

Beta Heart Herbalife
BETA HEART Herbalife
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