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Are you 30 years old or older and feel that your body is not what it used to be? Don’t worry, you can rely on some dietary supplements to improve your physical and mental state, such as Herbalife’s Niteworks. It is notable for producing nitric oxide and functioning as a vasodilator for the heart.

See Niteworks Herbalife label

One of the supplements I enjoy most is Niteworks, because it’s easy to take and can assist you in many aspects of your cardiovascular health. In addition to eating healthy and exercising, of course.

But don’t be fooled! Not all products are good for everyone, so in this article, we discuss its benefits as well as contraindications.

What is Niteworks?

It is a dietary supplement that aids in the production of nitric oxide (NO) in the body. This molecule mainly functions as a vasodilator for the tissues surrounding the heart.

This extraordinary particle was named “The Molecule of the Year” in the scientific journal Science in 1992. And its precursors won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998 for their great benefits to cardiovascular health.

It is found in the components L-arginine and L-citrulline which you can find in the Niteworks supplement. When accompanied by vitamin C, among other components, it allows this substance to be metabolized correctly.

What is it used for?

It helps to improve your cardiovascular state and the normal functioning of your blood vessels. It also protects your cells from oxidative damage and improves fatigue and tiredness. It even aids in sleep, thanks to the inclusion of lemon balm among its ingredients.

And you might be wondering, why should I take it? I’ll give you a fact: circulatory system diseases are one of the main causes of death in our country, as can be seen in the statistical studies of the INE. That means heart-related pathologies are very common in Spain and we should protect ourselves against them.

complemento Niteworks

What benefits does it have?

Niteworks Herbalife

In addition to some of its major benefits, which include protection of cardiovascular circulation, it has a few more:

  1. Generation of nitric oxide.
  2. Acts as a vasodilator, improving vascular circulation.
  3. Decreases oxidative damage.
  4. Reduces fatigue and tiredness.
  5. Helps with sleep.
  6. Improves muscle strength and endurance.
  7. Prevents the onset of anemia (folic acid).
  8. Enhances daily nutritional values.

It is also suitable for vegans, as it does not contain any animal-derived ingredients.


Like any other product, Niteworks is also contraindicated for some people. It is primarily recommended for those over 30 years old and never for:

  • Children
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women

In any case, you should ask your doctor if you have any cardiovascular disease or take any regular medication.

How to take Niteworks?

It is taken at night, before you go to sleep. Because when we sleep is the best time to repair the body.

You just have to add one scoop (10 g) to a glass of water about 240 ml. You can also use juices, although I advise you to take it only with water.

It does not replace any meal, so it is only a supplement that enhances your nutritional intake. Plus, it has very little sugar, just enough to give it a pleasant lemon flavor.

Reviews of Niteworks by Herbalife

To finish, I want to show you some opinions of real customers and so you can assess whether it is what you are really looking for.

Many admit that it is very good for older people. Some have bought it for their grandparents, as it is a good cardiovascular supplement. Additionally, they agree that the taste and texture are pleasant.

Although there are also negative points, such as the fact that taurine is not good for everyone and your body may not need it.

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